Welcome to Counselling Space
Welcome to Counselling Space,
Where you can explore your inner and outer path and discover your soul’s true highest potential. As a Person Centred counsellor with over a decade of experience, I offer a transpersonal creative approach based on the wisdom teachings of spiritual traditions and modern psychology. Transpersonal psychology invites us to draw from the depths of our being to align us to our unique qualities, that are hidden within and without ourselves. It empowers us to see that we have the freedom, inner wisdom and the inner knowledge to accept and let go of anything that is disharmonious in our lives.
It allows us to go beyond the ego and embrace spirituality, dualism, and non-ordinary states of consciousness as essential aspects of our journey towards self-actualisation and self-realisation. It awakens the process of a deep sense of clarity and inner strength within us enabling us to face our karmic tests, challenges, unconscious, and subconscious states, and ultimately transcend them. Resulting in an experience of spiritual upliftment and transformation, leading us to superconscious states of awareness.
Transpersonal Psychology integrates the whole person and acknowledges the importance of spiritual issues, providing a pathway for personal development, inner peace, love, harmony, and spiritual fulfilment.
Embarking on a counselling journey empowers you to accept and honour the sacred gift of yourself, your loved ones, the environment, nature, the internet, the universe and the world. The techniques that I use are diverse and based on each individual's personal circumstances. My intuitive approach supports and enhances intuitive ways of knowing what is best for each client. In our sessions, I may use art, poetry, prayers, meditation, music, homework, astrology, breathwork, spinal breathing exercises, nature, and dreams.
Rev Dinah Pemberton offers 1 hr Counselling Sessions Online for £50.00 and commits herself to the BACP Ethical Guidelines for good working practice and Ananda Spiritual Counselling Ethics.
Elderly, Adults, Young People
Children (over 7)
People with a disability
Low moods, Low self-esteem, Stress
Depression, Dementia, Cancer, Grief
Relationship issues
Health Issues
Work-related stress
Accepting strong emotions
Drug and alcohol misuse
Self Harm & Suicide
Spirituality Issues
Healing Journey