Friends in Divine Honouring The Only Way

Thinking Of You Janis <3 :)

 Honouring Janis Hill

Janis’s Book

The book still need editing and a few pages to add in, but just wanted to show what I have don so far Janis…..Sending you love and healing <3

A Bouquet of All Loves of God

O God my Father, teach me to make a bouquet of the variously hued flowers of filial, conjugal, friendly, parental, and guru-disciple love, and to lay it reverently upon the altar of my heart, where Thou reignest supreme. If I am unable to tie all those flowers into one bouquet, I will pluck the rarest rose of love growing in the garden of my devotion, and lay that one flower at Thy feet. Oh! Wilt Thou receive it?


“This is what I would like to see ever-more deeply in you: childlike trust in Divine Mother, devotion, openness to Her guidance and love, holding nothing back from Her because you are completely Hers.”

~ Swami Kriyananda


As I start the write up about mine and Janis friendship ‘Friends In Divine Honouring The Only Way‘ I felt like it was important that I do this with Janis and intuitively trust what to post as and when. During the write up about our friendship I included and sent Janis a link so that she could witness what I was doing for her in her honour.

I wasn’t sure if I should do it or not, but I have trusted my intuition and the unfolding from our friendship which has led to this natural share of our friendship through our creative email journey. My resistance in writing this was because I have so many titles such as Reverend, Integrated Practitioner, Counsellor etc, which all require a contract or some kind of professional agreement.

However Janis taught me how to be a true friend, with love, compassion, being myself, losing the ego, to not fear death and honouring the woman who she is and who I am. She enabled me to enter into a place of remembering and feeling how to be an unconditional friend, like children, without contracts, just trust, us and God. When I was creating this page I remembered that Swami Kriyananda had written a book called In Divine Friendship and I felt guided to honour Janis and our friendship in the same spirit. In his book In Divine Friendship Swami Kriyananda wrote

“This is what I would like to see ever-more deeply in you: childlike trust in Divine Mother, devotion, openness to Her guidance and love, holding nothing back from Her because you are completely Hers.”

~ Swami Kriyananda

I feel like these words sum up our friendship and I will be ever so grateful to Janis for reaching out to me, and sharing her life with me. Also it was Nayaswami Nalini Graeber book Transitioning into Grace A Yogis Approach to Death and Dying that has had a major influence in turning this page into a book for Janis.

My first connection with Janis was when I shared a post on the Online Virtual Community on the 12/24/202.


To: Dinah

Subject: Hello From The Virtual Community

Sender: Janis

Date: 12.24.2021

Time 11:10 pm Gmt, 3:10 pm Pacific


Make Me Thy Butterfly of Eternity

I have burnt my past, destroying every seed of evil destiny. I have stridden bravely through the strewn ashes of my past and future fears.

I am the Eternal NOW, having torn to shreds my enclosing cocoon of ignorance with the sharp knife of free will.

Now I am Thy soaring butter fly of eternity, fitting freely through immeasurable skies of time. The beauty of my wings I spread out through Nature everywhere, to entertain all beings. My wings are sprinkled with suns and stardust. Lo! I am beautiful! May every silken thread that shrouded my past folly be severed forever. See! They trail now behind me, only adding to my beauty as I wing my way to my own Self in Thee.

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Praying Ananda Portland comes to you Janis

On the 05/19/22


Janis emailed me on 04/28/22

Meet Green Woman

A beautiful picture painted by Janis