Healing With Astrology, Mantras & the Chakras Satsang

Every Wednesday 7 - 8 pm

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

November 22 - December 21

2nd Chakra: Sex Chakra Swadisthana Chakra

Ruler: Jupiter

Join us in our Satang where we use Prayers, Astrological Mantras and Chanting to bring balance to the

ruler of our sun signs, our chakras for healing ourselves and the world.

  • November 22 - December 21

    2nd Chakra: Sex Chakra Swadisthana Chakra

    Ruler: Jupiter

  • When the energy of Jupiter is low we may experience a lack of joy, enthusiasm, weak will, and lack of faith. We may suffer from depression, anxiety, lack of compassion or friendliness. Our creative energy maybe low.

  • a low immune system, a poor liver or a chronic disease.



Jupiter is well known as the most helpful, generous and benefic of the planets. In Sanskrit he is called Guru, the spiritual teacher or the guide. 

He signifies dharma, the law of our inner nature, which is the law of creative evolution and self-realization. He shows our principles in life, our guiding light and truth. Jupiter indicates such domains of principles of law, religion and philosophy. He is a spiritual and ethical (sattvic) planet, which insists upon the pursuits and support of the good. He establishes our good in life and, through his influence, that goodness comes to us. He represents the immanent Divine Spirit that establishes and upholds the laws of nature.

Jupiter is the Planet of creativity. Jupiter represents joy in living, the positive spirit. He is the great optimist who always sees the good. In him all sorrow, depression and melancholy are overcome or turned into a learning experience.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, grace, favor and fortune. He gives wealth, prosperity and success. 

In the lower sense, he gives fortune on the material plane, for it is the daring optimist who succeeds in the end. He is also indicative of good karma, unexpected rewards.  On a physical level, Jupiter is the planet of positive health. He makes us active in a healthy way and attunes us with the joy of nature. He give vigor, vitality and a strong immune system. On the negative side we will imagine the best and not guard ourselves properly. We will be vulnerable to the deceptive schemes of others. We can over-extend ourselves, go beyond our resources, be overly generous and spend too much.  We will try to do too much and succeed in doing nothing. We may suffer from unexpected bad luck, bad karma, trouble with authorities and institutions, or loss in litigation.  

Jupiter likes music and can indicate musical talent. On a higher level, Jupiter indicates the priest and is concerned with propriety, formality and hierarchy. 

In Sanskrit, he is also called Brihaspati, the original priest or Brahmin. Jupiter is a great planet of aspiration. He shows our faith in life and can indicate the religion we follow or the form of the Divine we are naturally inclined to worship.

Jupiter shows our devotion and dedication in life. It is the energy of grace in our chart that we can use to further our aims in life, which should be the aim of life itself for the overflowing of beneficence and love.

~ Dr David Fawley


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  • October 24 - November 21

    3rd Chakra: Manipur Chakra (Lumbar Center)

    Ruler: Mars

  • Mars is the great planet of energy. It is the planet of Power, Strength, courage and aggression, which measures our ability to project force in life. A strong Mars provides us with the energy, independence, will and self-confidence to carry out our endeavours, qualities it shares with the sun. Without it we have no real interests, passions, motivations, or determinations, no ability to carry anything out.

    On the negative side, this aggression brings about competition argument, and conflict — a placing of our own personal will-to-power over the good of others. Mars has always been known as the great God of War. He can make a person militaristic or violent, turn them into a soldier, or even into criminal if malefically disposed. He can cause us to conflict death on others.  He can also, if he afflicts the factors representing the self in the chart (like the Ascendant and its ruler) bring injury and accident upon us.

    Mars rules tools, weapons, machines and their usage. He is the planet of research and development. Mars causes us to develop energy but it does not necessarily give us the wisdom or love to use it properly.  It tends to regard power as an end in itself whereas it is really only a means.

    On a higher, level Mars directs us to the yogas of knowledge and energy, and gives self-discipline and asceticism. A strong and spiritual Mars is good for the practice of rituals and yogic techniques, methods of directing occult and spiritual energies.

    ~ Dr David Fawley

  • Lack of energy, low motivation, and inability to do work consistently.

    You may find it difficult stand on your own and defend yourself, being fearful and easily dominated by others. You may struggle to express anger or see through manipulations of others.

  • low immune system, low appetite, poor absorption, low body weight, weak liver and small intestines. Anemia, lack in sexual vitality. Relationship imbalance.

  • September 23 - October 23

    4th Chakra: Anahat Chakra (Heart Chakra)

    Ruler: Venus

  • Venus manifests the feminine spirit and she is known as the Goddess of love and beauty. Life comes from bliss and expresses bliss. She identifies that we all want eternal happiness… The issue of Venus lies in how we define our happiness. We can define it outwardly as pleasure or inwardly as joy. We can seek it in transient things and thereby lose it, or we can seek it in the eternal and truly find it. True joy, however, only comes through suffering, while mere pleasure usually results in suffering. Because we hold on to the immediate and do not see the end result, we remain trapped in the illusion of outer happiness. The higher Venus energy arises through devotion to truth and pureness, defining our object of love as consciousness itself.

    Venus inspires us to do poetry, art, dance and make music, she is our beloved who draws out our creative expression.

    Venus represents the astral light. She opens us up to the kingdom of the realms of art and beauty…She also opens up our psychic abilities, powers of visualization and creative direction. Venus gives us the power to move and motivate. Tantra falls in the field of Venus, with the lower or sexual Tantra reflecting lower Venus energies and the higher or devotional Tantra reflecting the higher Venus force. A strong Venus gives sexual power which, on inner levels, can be transmuted into astral or spiritual power and strength of will.

    Love is Venus’s strongest power, where she helps us to learn the truth about love and beauty and not appearances… The strong qualities Venus brings to us are comfort, prosperity, vehicles, material resources, beauty, charm, grace, love, loyalty and artistic talents.

    ~ David Fawley

  • You may be aggressive, experience difficulties in relationships, and in your romantic life. You may find it difficult to love or show affection and express feelings.

  • Bones, Chronic Kidneys, Reproductive system, Infertility, Impotence, Low Energy, Poor Immune System or bladder infections