Chapter 9: Lift Up Your Eyes


(LEFT)Ananda Moyi Ma, the Bengali “Joy-Permeated Mother.” (RIGHT) One of the caves occupied by Babaji in the Drongiri Mountains near Ranikhet in the Himalayas. A grandson of Lahiri Mahasaya, Ananda Mohan Lahiri (second from right, in white), and three other devotees are visiting the sacred spot.


The Soundless Roar

Whence, whence this soundless roar doth come,

When drowseth matter’s dreary drum?

On shores of bliss, Om, booming, breaks—
All earth, all heaven, all body shakes!

Cords bound to flesh are broken all,

Vibrations burst, meteors fall!
The hustling heart, the boasting breath,

No more shall cause the yogi’s death.

All nature lies in darkness soft
Dimness of starlight seen aloft;

Subconscious dreams have gone to bed . . .

’Tis then that one doth hear Om’s tread;

The bumblebee now hums along—

Hark! Baby Om doth sing his song!
From Krishna’s flute the call is sweet:
’Tis time the Watery God to meet!
Now, the God of Fire is singing!
Om! Om! Om! his harp is ringing.
God of Prana now is sounding—

Wondrous, breathing‐bells resounding!

O Upward climb the living tree,
Hark to the cosmic symphony!
From Om, the soundless roar! From Om

The call for light o’er dark to roam.
From Om the music of the spheres,
From Om the mist of Nature’s tears.
All things of earth and heaven declare

Om! Om! resounding everywhere.

~ Paramhansa Yogananda

(from the Autobiography of a Yogi)


Chapter 10: The Rest of the Story


How to Develop Harmonious Relationships