Honouring Parents

Reflections, Sharing, Resources and Links for January 


January - Focused Reflections

What Homeschooling Groups do you attend in the Manchester area?

Homeschooling and what is it like working as a Single Parent?

Homeschooling, Universal Credit and Looking for work?

Is work possible when Homeschooling as a Single Parent?


I was working on developing my own business and website called Reclaiming Your Virginity and I was told my business wasn’t working for me. I was also told that homeschooling is a luxury….I not going to go into every detail but my experience hasn’t be the best and knocked my confidence. Currently I have a fit note for stress which expires at the end of the month. For me right now the best suitable Job is working from home as a Counsellor and a Minister but my business is a slow start. And I know longer want to affirm that I am stressed anymore. I want to affirm and believe that I can homeschool my son and run a successful business from home at the same time. 

When I posted in homeschooling groups asking for help, the feedback response I got was very little and the response I got was to search on Facebook. Know one offered groups or made any suggestions. Also joining groups was a nightmare the questions that are asked just so you could be admitted was horrendous in one group for christian single parents I got rejected because I never identified myself as a Christian. I actually got rejected from a lot of groups to be fare. Considering I was told that Facebook was the best place for homeschooling parents that hasn’t been my experience. So I have created my own Facebook Page Honouring Children & Parents (Homeschooling Journey). 

Blessings & Love 

Rev Dinah Pemberton

  • Childrens Song by Swami Kriyananda

    “I’ll Tell the World”

    Childrens Prayer by Paramhansa Yogananda 

    “Thou art Love because my Mother loves me”

    Dear God, I know that Thou art Love, because my mother and my father love me; Thou art my eternal Father and Mother. My friends love me with Thy love, in their hearts. Thou art my best of all friends. Thou art my Teacher through all that happens to me in life. Because Thou lovest me, teach me to love Thee.







    Groups or Places to Go in Manchester 











    Honouring Parents Monthly Support Group

    Reading by Sri Daya Mata

    God is a haven of peace, love, rest, and understanding from which we may gather the strength we need to cope with the endless demands of life.


February - Focused Reflections

(God in Homeschooling)

 Do you include God as part of your Homeschooling?

If you do, how have you found it?

If you don't include God in your Homeschooling would you consider it?


Including God as part of our home schooling hasn't been quite easy... Because my son wasn't brought up with God in our home... We done spiritual activities such as making crystal bracelets, learning about crystals, meditation, read spiritual texts etc. I wouldn't say that we have God in our home because we did theses spiritual activities together.

Because Asaru-Hotep wouldn’t choose or say let's do meditation today Mum… I include them as part of our Home Schooling as another option, so that he has an Holistic Home Education. For the past two years he has been a big fan of Jesus Christ, where we have created our own songs together….we also watch the Chosen together which helps us to have visual understanding about the life of Jesus.

At the moment we are following a curriculum where the foundation is focused on including God where I have noticed huge improvements in his learning.

In the Sushumna Chapel creating a space to provide Honouring Children & Parents with God Satsang helps us to include God more in our home and in our homeschooling. In our Satsang we focus on prayers from Paramhansa Yogannada that are for Children and Ananda Music for children by Swami Kriyananda. I have to be honest there are not the new modern age type of music or prayers of our time. But if we open our minds and hearts to receive, we will tune into the true meaning of why these prayers and songs were made for children and families.

Blessings & Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton

  • Children's Story

    What is God? By Prasanna Hankins

    *Click on the title of the book to read*

    Childrens Song by Swami Kriyananda

    “I’ll Tell the World”

    Children’s Prayer by Paramhansa Yogananda

    Thou Art so Plainly Present Everywhere; I bow to Thee

    When I dance happily, dear Heavenly Father, I dance with Thee. Wherever I look, I see Thee peeping out at me from just behind everything. I see Thee every day, painting the sky bright colors. I watch Thee clothing the bare ground with green grass. I see Thee shining in the sunshine. Oh, I see Thee so plainly present everywhere! I bow to Thee!

    Honouring Parents Monthly Support Group

    Reading by Sri Daya Mata

    Within each one of us is a temple of stillness that permits no intrusion of the world’s turmoil. Whatever may be going on around us, when we enter that sanctuary of silence in our souls, we feel God’s blessed presence and receive His peace and strength.


March & April - Focused Reflections

The Temptations Whilst Homeschooling


In our homeschooling for the past two months, we have been focusing on the temptations whilst homeschooling and looking at the negative and positive impacts that devices and YouTube have... For a number of years I haven't been watching TV, I would watch the occasional movie on Netflix or Disney... But my preference would be to watch spiritual or educational as I am sensitive to what I watch, even going to the cinemas is really difficult for me... I will allow my son to watch movies on his tablet, and he will watch his favourite Youtube Channels on my phone due to parental settings on the tablet ... I was reading some resources that say that phones and devices have an effect on the learning of children... And slows down their ability to want to learn anything...

On the weekends I am quite flexible and open to allowing him to watch as much as he likes... However, when I do that I started to notice on Mondays he was expecting to have the devices in the day whilst homeschooling, which would sometimes create disharmony with our homeschooling ... I was doing some reflection on unwanted desires and being disciplined and applying it to our homeschooling... and for the past two months, I realised that removing the devices would do more harm than good... We need devices for homeschooling and for educational learning ... I realised how much he loves his devices... And I realised that if I removed something that he loved it would cause him a lot of upset... Why would I want to cause him upset... So an Idea came to affirm a simple affirmation  “I am disciplined” and “we are disciplined” together... This really helped us to come to a solution, especially on a Monday when he asks for his devices during homeschooling ...

  • Childrens Song by Swami Kriyananda

    “I’ll Tell the World”

    Children’s Prayer by Paramhansa Yogananda

    Thou art Love Because my Mother loves me

    Dear God, I know that Thou art Love, because my mother and my father love me; Thou art my eternal Father and Mother. My friends love me with Thy love, in their hearts. Thou art my best of all friends. Thou art my Teacher through all that happens to me in life. Because Thou lovest me, teach me to love Thee.

View the Children’s & Parent’s Art & Poetry Gallery Here

Contact Rev Dinah Pemberton at sushumnachapel@gmail.com to join



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