Ministerial Services

“One secret of love is courtesy which is by no means a mask, but a mark of thoughtfulness and sensitivity. Between two persons who love each other, courtesy, like a delicate waterfall, keeps the mountain pool of their love ever fresh.”

~ Swami Kriyananda

Swami Kriyananda has created inspiring beautiful ceremonies to infuse the significant life events of birth, marriage and physical passing with the remembrance of God, and of our true reality as sparks of the divine. I am not an Ananda Minister, but as a OneSpirit Minister I am offering my service to provide Ananda Wedding Ceremonies, Astral Ascension Ceremonies, and Purification Ceremonies

online for only a donation.


Ananda Wedding Ceremony

The Ananda wedding ceremony evokes and strengthens a couple’s love for each other, and of God’s loving presence in their union. In addition to vows to each other and to God, the ceremony includes devotional chanting, prayer, meditation, uplifting music and a special blessing of the couple. The Ceremony is also for people who are single too.


“May our love grow ever deeper, purer, more expansive, until, in our perfected love, we find the perfect love of God.”

~ Swami Kriyananda


Astral Ascension Ceremony

The astral ascension ceremonies speak to the true reality of our loved ones as eternally living souls, and affirm the truth that physical death does not break the connection between us and those we love. The astral ascension ceremony is specifically designed to support the departed soul in their return to God’s light, and can be performed at a distance, and at any time after someone’s passing. It is also designed for people who would prefer a spiritual ceremony instead of a traditional one, for those who would like to make peace with a loved one who has departed, or if you were unable to attend a funeral.


“Our desire is not to hold you back, but only to tell you: Friend, we are yours; our love and support are ever yours, and our prayers for your highest happiness. Claim your soul’s freedom!”

~ Swami Kriyananda


Purification Ceremony 

The Purification Ceremony helps us to open to divine grace to obtain purification from any particular trait, tendency or event that is causing an obstacle to our spiritual growth. In this ceremony, we will turn our attention to the virtual fire and offer into it all our love, devotion, service, our desires, limitations and attachments. Whilst listening to the Gayatri Mantra. Rev Dinah Pemberton will bless you online with a touch of light and end with healings prayers.


“Ceremonies are a means of getting groups of people to unite their thoughts and energies.”

~ Swami Kriyananda


Spiritual Mentoring

The spiritual path is a deeply rewarding journey, though not always an easy one. That’s where mentoring comes in, rather than facing challenges alone. A spiritual friend and guide can be an enormous blessing on the path.

The time of our session will be 30 minutes, and the cost is a donation of your choice.


Ananda Spiritual Counselling

Ananda Spiritual Counselling is based on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda and is delivered online via Zoom. The total number of sessions is 12 weeks, but you can end the counselling sessions before the 12 weeks if you choose to. The sessions are confidential. The time of our session will be 45 minutes, and the cost is a donation of your choice.


I believe that each individual is unique, gifted and special. I honour the simplicity of life, and in being, and believe that when a person is respected, listened to and seen exactly for who they are it brings them back home to their natural true self.

~ Rev Dinah Pemberton


For more information contact Rev Dinah Pemberton at