Week 11: Reason VS. Intuition


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

Thou art the Christ,” he said, “the son of the living God.” 

And Jesus turned to him, saying,

“Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonah: for not by human nature was this truth revealed to thee, but by my heavenly Father.  And I tell thee this also: Thou art Peter, which is to say, a rock, and upon this rock will I build my church, and never will the powers of darkness overwhelm it.” 

When your intellect, at present confused by the diversity of teaching in the scriptures, becomes steadfast in the ecstasy of deep meditation, then you will achieve final union with God

Excerpted from Week 11 Reason VS. Intuition



Make me the Lark of Life, Looking Only for Thy Rain

By Paramhansa Yogananda

I am Thy lark of life, flitting through Thy skies of cosmic delight, thirstily looking upward for every raindrop of Thy inspiration. Filter through the heavy, dark clouds of limited awareness, and shower on all the reminders of Thy omnipresence. I will savor attentively every raindrop of perception that touches my parched, craving tongue.

I will drink Thy inspirations deeply into myself, and will welcome any drenching by Thy raindrops of outer happiness that gently fall upon my frail, sense-driven body. My age-long thirst will cease only when Thy touch has cooled my inner craving, and soothed the upward-straining ardor in my body.

The storm of hopeless despondency has yielded to the raindrops of Thy peace. Softly, now, they moisten my long-withered being. Now will I flit everywhere, singing songs of my contentment. Oh! Make me Thy lark, seeking no other drink but Thy solace, sprinkling down from the heaven of Thy presence everywhere.


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light was…

“It was his intuitive perception—that insight which cannot be shaken by tempests of reasonable doubt—that Jesus praised in referring to him as a rock.

Continuing to trust my Intuitive Perception …

What came to me was…

Doubt is our biggest enemy it prevents us from trusting our intuition and seeing how God really see us…

And how does God really sees us?

Let’s spend some time sitting in silence opening our hearts and listening to the presence within us…being not afraid of the power silence holds and the chatter that wants to distract us from trusting our intuition.

But instead trusting in the rock, the faith of Peter

As Jesus said Thou art Peter, which is to say, a rock, and upon this rock will I build my church, and never will the powers of darkness overwhelm it.” 

Meditate with me in Silence for a while….

And Never Will the Powers of Darkness Overwhelm us too

And never will the powers of darkness overwhelm us too.

God loves us, God never wants us to give up because of uncertainty, confusion, life situations, relationships, or because of our struggles.

God doesn’t want us to give up on him or her because he/she doesn’t respond in the way we want…it is only in the silence and the stillness that we can truly find God 

God tells us this in these few words

Be still, and know that I am God;

Psalm 46:10

What did God Mean?

Trusting my intuition this is what came to me…

Make time to get to know me, even when things are going your way and are not going your way …. Be my friend, be my beloved, sit with me in the silence, open your mind, open your heart, be open to feeling in your body to receive me… Don’t be distracted by the waves of the sea, feel me, feel into me, don’t be frightened, breathe and come out for air… and come back in to feel me once again… Don’t be frightened come to me… Rest with me and you will see.

Aum Peace Amen

Faith is my Armour

Never give up faith, we are all conquers, have patience, trust and affirm that all will be well, and all is well, and all will work out for the greatest good of all…

Where I dwell no other shall follow and form against you… I heard these words from the very voice of  Paramhansa Yogananda…

A great man of faith was Swami Kriyananda, to who I honour…Whose teachings I am learning and following in my life and in the Online Sushumna Chapel… Here is a video, honouring his life, teachings and his courage.


Listen Listen Listen

Paramhansa Yogananda composed a chant called Listen, Listen, Listen

Here are the lyrics below…

Listen, listen, listen to my heart’s song,
Listen, listen, listen to my heart’s song:
I will never forget Thee; I will never forsake Thee;
I will never forget Thee; I will never forsake Thee.

He shares with us his relationship with words, sound and music.

And through his honest heart connection with God, his Guru and Divine Mother

The truth and depth of his love as a Messenger and Channel of Love

Shines as a beacon of Light for All and the World.

His music today still touches all hearts….

Let’s take his chant Listen, Listen Listen into our longer silent meditation together….

And this message too….if we listen to our heart song, God will never forget us and never forsake us… that is his/her promise to each and everyone of us who is reading these words today….



I will complete this Ministers Offering with these last few words…

Being ever Present in the Moment is our Truest Gift of Love

That God can give to us all right Now in this very Moment…

Lets Live in that Spirit of Love, Faith and Truth Together..

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Week 14: Who is This Son of Man?


Week 10: Dogmatism VS. Common Sense