Week 24: How Devotees Rise


Our Affirmation For June

Stanza 6:

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

Matthew 5:8

Blessed are they whose self-offering to God is effortless and complete, secure in the knowledge that all other desires are foreign to the soul.

In the purity of their knowing, they shall see God.

Swami Kriyananda

From the book

The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

“The poor always ye have with you: but me ye have not always.” 

Therefore the Bhagavad Gita says in the third Chapter: 

  The state of freedom from action [that is, of eternal rest in the Spirit] cannot be achieved without action. No one, by mere renunciation and outward non-involvement, can attain perfection. 

Excerpted From Week 24 How Devotees Rise



98. Demand That God Respond

Today, Father, Thou hast come into my temple. With Thy coming all the lights of my sense‐servants have sprung to life and the door of my heart has been opened wide. Thy blessing has driven away the darkness of ages, sending its heavy vapors fleeing at the first glimpse of Thy approach. The loud‐beating drums of my craving announced Thy manifestation. The incense of devotion, rising from the incensor of my soul, wafts upward to Thee. Oh, bless me always! Respond to me whenever I call to Thee.


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light was…

Never allow a moment of inner joy, for instance, to be set aside for lesser “duties.” Divine attunement is our highest priority. As Lahiri Mahasaya, the guru of Yogananda’s guru, said, “To listen to the heart’s inner sound (AUM, which issues from the very center of our being) is man’s highest duty.” 

This week I thought we would listen to our heart’s inner sound and meditate on the sacred sound Aum by Swami Kriyananda…

Aum by Swami Kriyanada




Let’s Meditate in Silence Together…



Aum Peace Amen

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Week 25: The Eternal Now


Week 23: Why do Devotees Fall?