Sushumna Sunday Service


Sushumna Chapel offers a unique online Sunday Service, led by Rev Dinah Pemberton. The service focuses on the life guidance and the spiritual insights given us by Swami Kriyananda from the books The Beatitudes and The Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita.

The Sunday Service starts at 1pm - 3pm

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5 -12) 

The Beatitudes are the blessings and the inner teachings that Jesus gifted to us on the sermon on the mount. Swami Kriyananda studied the beatitudes in great depths that I will be also sharing his interpretation on beatitudes. 

The Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the Bible and The Bhagavad Gita 

Provides us with 53 weeks of inspiration uniting both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita to embrace a spiritual way of life, to practice a spiritual way of living.

The Beatitudes will be used as an affirmation, we will focus on 1 stanza a month.  

AS A CREATIVE WAY OF LIFE, the service will offer prayers, silent meditation, chanting, music, and creativity (art & poetry) to reflect on the readings that has been shared. We will also have time to share our art and poetry (our sacred gifts) if you would like to. Then will end with healing prayers for ourselves, families, loved ones, the planet and the world.

Once a month at the end of the service there will be a purification ceremony.  

The service will be recorded once a month, and can be found in recordings.

*During any of the Sushumna Chapel Services, Meditations & Support Groups please do not take any photos or recordings please without permission as Sushumna Chapel respects the rights to having the choice to privacy for all people & children who attend.*

You will need paper, crayons, pen or pencil

Download Order of Service Here

The link to join the service

Read Ministers Offerings Here