Aum Special Meditation ( Nayaswami Jaya)

Paramhansa Yogananda 

“Chant Aum three times or the word “God”. This will shield you. You will feel His wonderful protection. Be fearless. It is the only way to be healthy. If you commune with God His truth will flow through you. You will know that you are the imperishable soul”.

Prayer at Dawn

With the opening of the earliest dawn and the lotus‐buds, my soul softly opens in prayer to receive Thy light. Bathe each petal of my mind with Thy radiant rays! I saturate myself with the perfume of Thy presence, and I wait to waft with the breeze the aroma of Thy message of love to all. Bless me, that with the spreading dawn I may spread Thy love everywhere. Bless me, that with the awakening dawn I may awaken all souls with my own and bring them to Thee.

~ Paramhansa Yogananda


Whence, whence this soundless roar doth come When drowseth matter’s dreary drum?

On shores of bliss, Om, booming, breaks!
All earth, all heaven, all body shakes!

Cords binding one to flesh are severed all, Vibrations burst, meteors fall!
The hustling heart, the boasting breath No more shall cause the yogi’s death;

All Nature lies in darkness soft,
Dimness of starlight seen aloft; Subconscious dreams have gone to bed . . . ’Tis then that one doth hear Om’s tread; The bumble‐bee now hums along— Hark! Baby Om doth sing His song!
From Krishna’s flute the call is sweet:
’Tis time the Watery God to meet!
Now, the God of Fire is singing!
Om! Om! Om! His harp is ringing.
God of Prana now is sounding— Wondrous, breathing‐bells resounding! Oh! Upward climb the living tree;
Hark to the cosmic symphony.
From Om, the soundless roar! From Om The call for light o’er dark to roam.
From Om the music of the spheres!
From Om the mist of Nature’s tears!
All things of earth and heaven declare, Om! Om! Resounding everywhere!

~ Paramhansa Yogananda 

Om Chant




Devotees should end all periods of meditation or chanting by intoning Om in the manner shown by the musical arrangement above. The chanting of Om (Aum), from which the word Amen derives, is similar to the practice in Western churches of intoning Amen one or more times at the conclusion of a hymn.

Aum is the basis of all sounds. The Aum of the Vedas became the sacred word Hum of the Tibetans; Amin of the Moslems; and Amen of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Jews and Christians. Amen in Hebrew means sure, faithful. Aum is the all-pervading sound emanating from the Holy Ghost (Invisible Cosmic Vibration; God in His aspect of Creator); the “word” of the Bible; the voice of creation, testifying to the Divine Presence in every atom. Aum maybe heard through practice of Self-Realization Fellowship methods of meditation.

“These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.” – Revelation 3:14

“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  - Romans 10:17

The great Hindu sage Patanjali said: “He who know Om, knows God.” Chant Om in the following manner, while meditating on the threefold nature of creation: in causal aspect, or vibratory manifestation as an idea of God; its astral aspect, or vibratory manifestation as light and energy; and its physical aspect, the objective manifestation of causal and astral vibrations. 

Intone the first Om with full voice, concentrating on the physical creation as epitomized in the human physical body; the second Om, representing the astral or electronic sphere of creation, should be sung more softly, with thought concentrated on the astral creation as epitomized in the electrical energies in the human body; the third Om, representing the causal sphere of creation, should be sung quite softly, with the mind interiorized on the causal creation epitomized in man’s own power of creative thought.

Repeat the chant again and again with deep attention and devotion. Always try to listen for the real Om sound, which is an astral vibration and is only symbolized in the vocal sound of Om that you are chanting. 

Los Angeles, California 

December, 1938  

Excerpted from Paramhansa Yogananda's book Cosmic Chants

The Holy Sound of Aum 

Teach me to hear Thy voice, O Father, the cosmic voice that commanded all vibration to spring forth. Manifest to me as Aum, the cosmic song of all sound.

O Holy Ghost, sacred Aum vibration, enlarge my consciousness as I listen to Thine omnipresent sound. Make me feel that I am both the cosmic ocean and the little wave of body-vibration in it. 

O omnipresent cosmic sound of Aum, reverberate through me, expanding my consciousness from the body to the universe, and teach me to feel in Thee the all-permeating perennial bliss.

O infinite Energy, infinite Wisdom, recharge me with Thy spiritual vibration.

O cosmic sound of Aum, guide me, be with me, lead me from darkness to light.  


~ Paramhansa Yogananda

From the book Metaphysical Meditations


Music: When Thy Song Flows Through Me by Paramhansa Yogananda sang by Keshava Betts

Fill Me with the Sound of AUM written by Swami Kriyananda sang by Gurubhakti Bros

Aum by Paramhansa Yogananda


Blessings & Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Aum Special Healing Meditation (Nayaswami Jaya Part 2)


Aum Special Meditation (Paramhansa Yogananda)