Chapter 16: Garrett — Arjuna What Really Matters
Garrett-Arjuna with Sylvia
He Was Always Aware of Having a Choice
“I WAS SO IMPRESSED by the way Garrett-Arjuna dealt with it. I would see the
frustration well up inside of him. He would feel it, but then he would let it move
right through him rather than letting it get stuck. With other people the emotions
became their identity. But Garrett-Arjuna never allowed frustration to take over and
become who he was. Instead of expressing anger, he would usually express love
and gratitude, or at least acceptance. He was always aware of having a choice, and
he defaulted to a higher consciousness.”
I (Nalini) had a personal experience with Garrett-Arjuna’s positive attitude and
self-control. As I was walking to work one morning, I encountered Garrett, who was
out exercising with one of his male friends. We greeted each other. I could sense
he was struggling to tell me something, but he couldn’t find the words. He began
to get upset; then caught himself. Suddenly, with a pure and open heart, he hugged
me and said, “Nalini, I love you!”—it was such a beautiful and poignant moment.
Rick continued, “Garrett-Arjuna also had a sense of humor. One time, while he was trying unsuccessfully to button his shirt, he said, ‘I’m trying to push these cars through the keyholes.’ I knew what he meant! Fortunately, he was able to laugh about it, whereas others would just start cussing. His resources for dealing with
pain were at a higher octave than those of most of the people I deal with.
“Love Is All I Have”
BUT THE COMPENSATION WAS that as the energy started to withdraw from his
body, his inner senses became heightened. Maria remembers, “He thrilled to hear
a bird, or the wind blowing in the trees. He sometimes saw beautiful, colorful flow-
ers from another realm. His senses were becoming attuned to the astral plane, and
he began to share that with us.
“Garrett’s heart was wide open. One day, as we were thanking him for sharing,
he said, ‘It’s all I have. Love is all I have.’
“Ultimately, that’s all any of us have. It’s souls like Garrett-Arjuna who remind
us that God has given us this life to love and to know Him more deeply.”