Honouring a Touch of Peace: Living The Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda


Welcome Everyone to Honouring a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda Book Study by the authors Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi.

I have decided to dedicate and honour sometime reading the kindle version of the book a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. What has inspired me to start another book study was when I began tuning into the vibration of Swami Kriyananda “Moksha Day” the Anniversary of his Passing from this Earth Plane on Thursday 21st April 2022. And as I spent time thinking about all that Swami Kriyananda has created and all the lives his has touched including mine. I felt strongly guided by Swami Kriyananda to focus on the work that both Nayaswami Jyotish and Devi have done since he left this Earth Plane. (To be honest with all the stories that I have read and heard about Swami Kriyananda it actually feels like something he would do). I began looking at pictures of both Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi and pictures of them with Swami Kriyananda that I had radonmly downloaded from the Ananda Worldwide Website for free.


Loads of words starting pouring through me, which I am struggling to write on here without feeling corny or feeling like I am trying to win over the hearts of two amazing inspirational spiritual leaders of our New Age. But I will say that I have so much utter respect and admiration for their dedication and loyalty that they have in service towards keeping Swami Kriyananda wishes, dreams ‘Ananda’ alive and in steadfast for us to still access the teachings and the great work of his self and Paramhansa Yogananda throughout all the Ananda Communities, virtually and the World.

I then began looking at the books and videos that they have created. I also remembered that when they published there book a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, I had self-published my book Cultivating Inner Peace on my website, which you can read here for free. I remember thinking how strange that was, as I was deep in my studies, new on the path to Kriya Yoga, writing books, amongst other things and I barely knew who Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi were at the time. But to know I was in tune with them through our book sharing and the topic being of peace, I was really in awe of this union, connection, we shared unknowingly, which made me feel special.

The book study journey will consist of reading a chapter (every week, sometimes every two weeks). Please don’t worry if you do not have a copy of the book, just for fun you can intuitively tune into the title of each chapter to be involved. Together we will use the imagination, intuitive art and poetry, to honour Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi and there book to express what has come up for us during the chapters. 

The first intuitive art and poetry will be posted in Chapter 1 Happy Birthday Master! on Saturday 23rd April 2022.

The invitation for you to join me, is in spirit or through email. For more information contact me at reclaimingyourvirginity@gmail.com.

Blessings & Love

Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Chapter 1: Happy Birthday Master!