Chapter 1: Happy Birthday Master!


“Divine love is unconditional, not based on outer achievements, nor given to one at the expense of another”.

Finally, we may mistakenly think: “Someday I’ll feel my Guru’s love, but it won’t be for a long time.” Instead, tonight before you go to bed, eagerly share with him everything that happened throughout the day: the tests, the joys, the silliness, the pain, the whole experience. When you wake up tomorrow, let your first thought be, “I love you, Master. Please come share the day with me.” Why wait for time to pass to express our love for our Guru? Offer it today. Only by giving the cup of our love each and every day can we receive the ocean of his love eternally.

Nayaswami Jyotish


Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Chapter 2: Beating Karma at Its Own Game


Honouring a Touch of Peace: Living The Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda