Week 19: The Secret of Right Action 


Our Affirmation For May


Stanza 5:

“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

Matthew 5:7

Blessed are they who, recognizing the bond they share with all living creatures, are more concerned for others than for themselves. Blessed are they who serve consciously as instruments of divine grace: for in their very giving they shall receive.

Swami Kriyananda

From the book

The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

“Lord,” she cried, “doesn’t it matter to you that my sister has left me to do all this serving alone? Please ask her to help me.”  “Martha, Martha,” Jesus answered, “thou art careful and troubled about many things“But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” 

Actions performed under the influence of desire are greatly inferior to those which are guided by wisdom. Happiness eludes people when they act from self-interest. Seek shelter, therefore, in the equanimity of wisdom.

Excerpted from Week 19 The Secret of Right Action 



79. Teach Me to Feel That All Men Are My Brothers

By Paramhansa Yogananda

From the Book Whispers From Eternity

O our own, One Father, teach me to feel that all men are my brothers. Teach me to love all countries as brother‐nations to my own—as much so as the land to which I am temporarily assigned by karmic law. Teach me above all to love those who love me not. Teach me to see Thy presence in every erring brother. Teach me to heal, as eagerly as I would be healed myself, those brothers who are steeped in ignorance.

O Mother Divine, teach me never to rejoice in the segregation or punishment of an erring brother, even if he needs to be punished to protect from his tyranny those who, otherwise, are defenseless. Teach me to heal with kindness those who are misled, or let me correct them by my good example.

Teach me to feel that even someone who does me mortal injury is my brother, made in Thy image.

His ignorance is only temporary. Destroy in me every trace of vengefulness, including the quick “tit‐for‐tat” spirit. Teach me to try to heal, not to punish, my brothers who resort to crime. Let me not increase their ignorance by a wrong spirit of revenge. Teach me to improve all men by my own example of forgiveness, self‐control, determination to do what is right, wisdom, encouragement toward goodness, and prayer—and, above all, by Thy love.


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light was…

“But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” 

Honouring Swami Kriyananda’s wise counsel. I thought we would watch a talk by Sri Mrinalini Mata called “Portal to the Inner Light”. Below is a short Youtube video from her talk…

Portal to the Inner Light


What is This Life?




What is this life flowing through my veins?
Can it be other than divine?
What is this life flowing through my veins?
Can it be other than divine?
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.


What is this energy flowing through my form?
Can it be other than divine?
What is this energy flowing through my form?
Can it be other than divine?
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.


What is this consciousness flowing through my brain?
Can it be other than divine?
What is this consciousness flowing through my brain?
Can it be other than divine?
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.


What is this power flowing through my will?
Can it be other than divine?
What is this power flowing through my will?
Can it be other than divine?
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.
In Thy light, in Thy love, in Thy joy I am one.
I am one with the infinite Om.

Let’s Meditate in Silence Together…

When My Dreams Dream Done




Aum Peace Amen

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Week 20: Activity VS. Inner Communion


Week 18: Perfection is Self -Transcendence