Week 35: Who are True Christians? 


Our Affirmation For August

Stanza 8:

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 5:10

Blessed are they who, when persecuted, dare to stand firmly by the truths they know. Through steadfastness to high principles they shall be deemed worthy, after death, to enter the higher heavens.

Swami Kriyananda

From the book

The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

Jesus Christ said, in Chapter 10 of the Gospel of St. John:

“All  that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did  not hear them.” 

As it says in the Bhagavad Gita in the third Chapter:   

Desire obscures even the wisdom of the wise. Their relentless foe it is, a flame never quenched. 

Intellect, mind, and senses: These combined are referred to as the seat of desire. Desire, through them, deludes and eclipses the discrimination of the embodied soul

.  O Arjuna, discipline your senses! And, having done so, work to destroy desire, annihilator of wisdom and of Self-realization. 

Week 35: Who are True Christians? 


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light to share with everyone was…

“Give God the credit for everything you do.

See Him as the true Doer.”

But before we enter into our reflection and meditation we will listen to When Thy Song Flow Through Me by Paramhansa Yogananda.

When Thy Song Flow Through Me by Paramhansa Yogananda

Let’s Reflect on

“Give God the credit for everything you do. See Him as the true Doer.”


Let’s Meditate in Silence Together…


Instrumental Music



Aum Peace Amen

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton


Watch the Sushumna Chapel Sunday Service for the Month of August



Week 36: Ego—Friend or Foe? 


Week 34: How Should we Meet Our Test?