Week 39: Many are the Pathways to Truth


Our Affirmation For September Stanza 9


From the book

The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

The Bible contains a similar account in the Gospel of St.  Luke, Chapter 9:   

And John . . . said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. 

And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. 

Sri Krishna in the third Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, states:   

Trying even unsuccessfully to fulfill one’s own spiritual duty (dharma) is better than pursuing successfully the duties of others. Better death itself in the pursuance of one’s own duties.  The pursuance of another’s duties is fraught with (spiritual) danger. 

Excerpted From Week 39: Many are the Pathways to Truth


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light to share with everyone was…

“Let no one tell you what your path to God ought to be. Many are the paths. Select your own according to the dictates of your own nature, no matter how out of step that puts you with other people”.

We will take these words by Swami Kriyananda into our meditation

together for reflection. But firstly we will listen to

When My Dreams Dream Is Done”

by Paramhansa Yogananda.

When My Dreams Dream Is Done by Paramhansa Yogananda

Let’s Reflect on

“Let no one tell you what your path to God ought to be. Many are the paths.

Select your own according to the dictates of your own nature, no matter how out of step that puts you with other people”.


Let’s Meditate in Silence Together…




Watch Sushumna Chapel Sunday Service Here


Aum Peace Amen

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton



Week 40: In Surrender Lies Victory!


Week 38: Intuition is Simple: The Intellect is Complex