Our Monthly Offerings for June


Sushumna Chapel Healing Prayers 


We are happy to offer healing prayers for you and your loved ones


Join us for Healing Prayers every Wednesday...

This Wednesday we having Healing Prayers for the World, Planet & Individuals

Sushumna Chapel Sunday Service Healing Prayers


A Small Gift Goes A Long Way 


For every Donation, a Divine Will Wisdom Healing Card will be Gifted. Please Donate Today to continue to keep our Light Strong.

God’s light is within me and around me. With the sword of faith in my hand, with the love of God in my heart, I am a warrior of light. I join my brothers and sisters everywhere to overcome fear with faith, hatred with love, and disease with health. We all are warriors of light. We fill the world with God’s light.

Words by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi 

