Sushumna Chapel


Transitioning in Grace


Dear Friends of the Sushumna Chapel & Reclaiming Your Virginity

How are you all?

I have to be honest June was a challenging month for me on many levels... After having the time of for reflection, renewal and rest... I am ready to welcome July and all that it brings... 

Firstly I wanted to share a picture of a gift I found on Friday 30th June on my garden pathway...


I was guided to look out my window and I saw plastic cubes in the shape of a cross... Which brought me joy, like a child myself I went outside took pictures and said I am going to put this on my altar... This week I have been learning how to pray the Rosary, am not sure if the gift has resulted from this... But I felt like it was a gift from Divine Mother for praying for her children...  I thanked Divine Mother and thanked her for protecting our home…

The month of July brings up for me endings and completions... I have felt this way ever since I was ordained as One Spirit Interfaith Minister (today I call myself a OneSpirit Minister) as my ordination was in July... It would be four years this year in July since I was ordained... Ordination was a special day for me... I remember being the first to be called out as a Reverend...That moment changed my life forever...

(I have included a short video below that includes highlights from the day I was ordained).

Since my ordination, I have been living a vowed way of life... Where my vow has changed as I have grown as Minister...

My first vow was:
To know that I am more than enough
To inquire deep into Self
To continue a path of personal development.
Have fun.

Then after a few months after ordination, my vow changed to:

My Ministry starts at home with my children.
To Abstain from Alcohol
To Abstain from having a partner and sex 

I have been living up to these Vows for nearly four years... On the 17th June 2021, I took the Nayaswami Order Pilgrimage Vow and took it again on the 28th  November 2022. Alongside my vows, I have been deepening my relationship with God and Healing past traumas in my life...

This year I have decided to continue to keep the tradition of a vowed way of living as it means a lot to me...

This year I have included three new vows to Fearlessly Sing, to Love God More and the Superconsciousness Vow... 

My Vow for July 2023 - July 2024 

I vow to Abstain from Alcohol
I vow to Abstain from Sex 
I vow to Remain Single
I Vow to Fearlessly Sing 
I Vow to Love God More

I Vow to Commit to the Pilgrimage Vow to the best of my ability

I vow to commit to the Vow of Superconscious Living to the best of my ability

And May it be so...
Aum Amen

This month's podcast is called Cooperating With Grace by Nayaswami Jyotish... I won't say much on this, but I will say this is something that we all need to learn to do in the times that we are living in right now...

This month we pray for the souls who have passed away and their families

Kenyatta Gordon
Thomas Hostage
Dexter McIntosh

My prayer for us all this Month is

May we live in the attitude to say Yes to Life, (in whatever shape or form that may mean for us) and Cooperate with whatever Grace or Life brings to us good or bad and to accept it in the best way we can...

Blessings & Love 

Rev Dinah Pemberton 

P.S. Please consider donating to Sushumna Chapel, it doesn't matter how small, right now we are in need of our own website... Your kind donations would really help us... All of the services we offer are free or a donation... If you have been touched by any of the services, please consider donating, the link to donate is below...
Click Here to Donate using Paypal...

If you would like to donate by bank transfer please contact me at 


Class of 2019 Ordination & Graduation Highlights


What's New for July & August


Remembering Our Loved Ones


Sushumna Chapel Online Weekly Offerings

A Small Gift Goes A Long Way 


For every Donation, a Divine Will Wisdom Healing Card will be Gifted. Please Donate Today to continue to keep our Light Strong.

God’s light is within me and around me. With the sword of faith in my hand, with the love of God in my heart, I am a warrior of light. I join my brothers and sisters everywhere to overcome fear with faith, hatred with love, and disease with health. We all are warriors of light. We fill the world with God’s light.

Words by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi 


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