Sushumna Chapel




Greetings Friends,

How are you all doing?

As Christmas and the New Year approaches, I don't know about you but I am feeling the need to slow down, reflect, rest and spend time in the words of Jesus Christ.  My Relationship with Christ has taken shape in many ways, which I will write a separate blog about one day.  

Here are some words from 1 John 4:7-9 that I have been reading that was recommended by Paramhansa Yogananda from his book Second Coming of Christ

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.”

In this month’s podcast by Nayaswami Devi "Toward Christ Consciousness" she will teach us about how Yogis attune to Christ, I hope you enjoy it.

In whatever way Jesus calls to you we wish you and your loved ones a season of increased Blessings.

Blessings & Love
Rev Dinah Pemberton



Winter Solstice and Forgiveness Blessings  


This time of year for me always feels like a time to forgive and let go...Refresh and renew please join me on Friday 22nd December for our Forgiveness Ceremony and Winter Solstice Meditation see the details below and click the link to join.

Winter Solstice Forgiveness Ceremony 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm 
Early Morning Winter Solstice Meditation 3:00 am - 4:00 am 

Here are some testimonials from last year's ceremony

“The forgiveness and purification ceremony was well put together and delivered.

Rev Dinah’s guidance was warm, welcoming and gentle, making the experience comfortable and enjoyable for me and my son! 

We enjoyed the poems and references to Paramahansa Yogananda and the releasing exercise. All very significant to the end of a season and a lovely transition into the new one.

Thank you!”

— Naomi

“The winter solstice- forgiveness & purification ceremony was a pleasure to join. The music was very calming for me and my baby. I also enjoyed the poems and prayers.

— Tosha

December's Thoughts & Reflections 


November and December have been challenging for me on many levels and turning to Jesus in this season has been really helpful for me.

I randomly came across a song called  Firm Foundation (He's Gonna Make A Way) | Maverick City w/ Chandler Moore feat. Bobbi Storm & Wande

Here are the words to the bridge which touched my heart and helped me alot.


Rain came and wind blew

But my house was built on You

I'm safe with You

I'm gonna make it through

I'm gonna make it through

'Cause I'm standing strong on You

I'm gonna make it through

'Cause my house is built on You

I have included this video to the song if you would like to listen to it below.

Listening to makes me want to go to a concert I havent been to one in years.

Healing Prayers

There have been alot of deaths this year of family and friends that I have known. Also friends of the Sushumna Chapels Loved Ones. On Saturday 2nd December we had a ceremony to remember our loved ones.

The link to watch the recording is below.

Remembering Our Loved Ones

Also, there have been healing miracles that have happened through the healing prayer requests.  

A little boy who was struggling to walk started walking within a week,
and a woman was healed from breast cancer.

I am grateful to play a smart part in helping them in their healing Journeys.

Homeschooling Journey 

As some of you may know I homeschool my son and I advertise to offer families support with their children for free or a donation so that they could pamper themselves, work, spend some time to their selves etc.   

Trusting in God I decided to integrate our monthly Honouring Children & Parents with God Satsang into our homeschooling journey together, as well as share the activities that I do with my son.

Because of their enthusiasm to learn what I have taught them, I decided to use the money from the donation for the website to buy a small harmonium from India for them to use.

Here is a link to view some of the things that we have done together.

Sushumna Chapel Website

The website is up and running, (I have decided to fund it myself) it still needs alot of work but it's okay for now. I thought as friends of the chapel that you would like to journey with me and witness the development of the website… I have always designed my own websites it is something I find therapeutic… There will be alot of changes, a membership option etc. You will see that I have still connected the links from RYV to the Website and pending links. The option to join our membership will be up and running in February… The link to view the website is below.

Sushumna Chapel Website

Please Note that there will be know Services from Saturday 23rd December - Sunday 7th January
Also, Monthly Satsangs won't resume until February



What New! Dates for January

Self Help Support Group (Friday 12th January 7 - 8 pm)
In Person Meditation (Saturday 27th January 12:30 - 13:30 pm)



Helping Soul Friends to Transition into the Light

This month we pray for the souls who have passed away and their families

We ask Divine Mother to welcome these souls into her Divine Light

Thou art in the soul of….


My prayer and affirmation for us all in December is “I am Safe with You”.

Aum Peace Amen

P.S. Please consider donating to Sushumna Chapel, it doesn't matter how small, the link to donate is below.



Sunday Service



Week 48: The Law of Karma—Bondage, or Soul-Release 



Latest Blogs



fKing Asaru-Hotep Book of Poetries“Our Reflection Of Homeschooling"H

A Sacred Illness A Family of Monks and Nuns … That Deserved to be Celebrated


Sushumna Chapel Online Weekly Offerings

A Small Gift Goes A Long Way 


For every Donation, a Divine Will Wisdom Healing Card will be Gifted. Please Donate Today to continue to keep our Light Strong.

God’s light is within me and around me. With the sword of faith in my hand, with the love of God in my heart, I am a warrior of light. I join my brothers and sisters everywhere to overcome fear with faith, hatred with love, and disease with health. We all are warriors of light. We fill the world with God’s light.

Words by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi 


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