Aum Special Healing Meditation


“You are not a physical body, but a blissful manifestation of AUM.”

~ Swami Kriyananda


“AUM not only proceeds from God, it is God.”

~ Paramhansa Yogananda

This week I thought I would continue to commune with Aum as “Sound” one of the 8 aspects of God. I came across Chapter Eleven Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva: The Trinity of AUM from the book The Hindu Way of  Awakening: Its Revelation, Its Symbols  (An Essential View of Religion) by Swami Kriyananda. Below I have included some of his words that stood out for me from the chapter.

The word AUM, when written properly, contains three letters, signifying the threefold nature of Cosmic Vibration. In English, this word is often written OM, because the vowel “O” is pronounced as a diphthong. 

I myself stopped writing it this way when I found speakers of other languages mispronouncing it to rhyme with our English word, “from,” instead of with “home.” AUM should be pronounced correctly for its mantric power.

The “A” in AUM represents the cosmic creative vibration, and should be pronounced short, rather than long as in “arm.” When this sound is heard in meditation, it is pitched highest of the three.  

“U” (pronounced “oo” as in “moon”) is the cosmic vibration of preservation. It maintains all creation in a state of equilibrium. This sound, when heard in meditation, is pitched somewhat lower than the first.  

“M” represents the vibration of cosmic dissolution, which draws all creation back into the Absolute at the end of a universal cycle. The time allotted to cosmic manifestation is known as a Day of Brahma, and spans a period of billions of years. This vibration of the AUM sound, when heard in meditation, is pitched lowest of all, like a deep rumbling. 

Further in the chapter Swami Kriyananda says…

Ultimate Truth transcends whatever symbols we use to represent it. In that transcendence lies the essential truth of religion, as well as the hope of bringing a needed harmony to the religions of the world. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva may never become valued as objects of devotion by the members of other religions, but AUM, the Cosmic Vibration, can be communed with regardless of belief. It is an Absolute Truth, accessible to all. 

Indeed, to shun AUM is to shun God.  To shun it is the one sin Jesus Christ described as unforgivable. Prayer,  grace, and the blessings of saints and masters may bring “forgiveness” in  the sense of healing man of the consequences of other sins, but not of this  one.  To blaspheme against the Holy Ghost means to shun the truth of one’s own being. This sin, and the deep inner restlessness that results from it, can be expiated only by each of us individually. We must give up living disharmoniously, involved in egoic desires, and seek inner communion with God, our higher and true Self.  

Above all, so Jesus implied, we should develop communion with the Holy Ghost, which in this passage was the name he gave AUM. AUM—the Holy Ghost, the Word of God, and the Amen of the Christians; the “Sound of many waters” of the Jews; the Amin of the Muslims; the Ahunavar of the Zoroastrians—AUM is the overarching truth of all existence.  It awaits no sanction of sectarian approval, but only our own deep inner communion with it. Even intellectual recognition of this supernal truth carries with it the potential for bringing reconciliation to the world’s religions.  

For AUM is, essentially, what religion is all about. AUM transcends the conflicting Ways of Belief, and offers mankind a universal highway of Awakening.  The trinity of AUM is quite different from the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. These are often confused with one another. The Hindu equivalent of the Trinity in Christianity is, as I explained in an earlier chapter, AUM-TAT-SAT.  AUM is the Conscious Vibratory Creation, often referred to also as the Divine Mother. TAT is the Christ Consciousness, or non-vibrating reflection of the Supreme Spirit in all creation (the “Only Begotten Son” in Christian theology, because it is all-pervasive). And SAT is the Supreme Spirit, the Father beyond creation. The trinity of AUM is different from that of AUM-TAT-SAT. AUM’s trinity refers to the three basic functions of Cosmic Vibration in the manifested universe. 

Divine Mother,

Thou art omnipresent.

Thou art in all Thy children

Thou art in the Ukraine, Russia & The World

Manifest Thy healing presence in

ALL bodies, minds, and souls




 Blessings & Love

 Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton 

Music: Psalm Of David, In The Spirit & Aum by Swami Kriyananda


Aum Special Healing Meditation


Silent Healing Meditation (Aum Special Meditation)