Aum Special Healing Meditation


Living in the consciousness of AUM is the highest way to serve others. Because of his deep sincerity and commitment to service.

~ Nayaswami Nalini Graeber

This week I thought I would continue to commune with Aum as “Sound” one of the 8 aspects of God. I came across a video by Asha Nayaswami called The Transforming Power of Aum, Ep 12 ~ A Journey Into A Festival of Light and CHAPTER FIFTEEN: AUM AND THE POWER OF A DREAM - LORNE’S STORY  that I thought I would share with you all.



Out of the silence came the song of creation.  

Out of the darkness came the light. 

Out of the darkness, out of the silence 

Thundered the Cosmic Sound, Amen!  

Out of the darkness, out of the silence 

Thundered the Cosmic Sound, AUM!    

- From “The Thunder of AUM,”  a song by Swami Kriyananda    


THERE IS TREMENDOUS POWER in chanting the sacred syllable AUM (pronounced “Om,” this deep teaching and subtle reality is recognized in Western culture as the word “Amen”). Yogananda wrote: “When you utter ‘AUM,’ it travels not only all around the earth but throughout all space and eternity.”  “Everything in existence comes out of AUM and goes back into AUM,” Joseph Bharat Cornell wrote in AUM: The Melody of Love. “AUM is the creative power of the universe, the fountain of all wisdom and inspiration.” Communion with AUM helps us to realize our dreams. 

Further in the book…

Chanting AUM as the Soul Is Leaving    

“I HAD BEEN FEELING strongly to chant AUM when Lorne left the body,” Judy  told me. “I had a profound experience with AUM when my mother died. Ananda’s Internet station, Radio Ananda, was playing in her room. Suddenly, just moments  before her last breath, Swami chanting ‘Eternal AUM’ began to play on the radio. It  was a powerful blessing, and it gave both of us much comfort.  “Later, at the time of Swami Kriyananda’s transition on April 21, 2013, Lorne spoke about the Eastern tradition of chanting AUM in the right ear as the soul is departing.

AUM was the first sound heard in creation, and it is the last sound heard as the soul is leaving the body. Chanting AUM helps the soul to transcend.”  Kriyananda makes an intriguing reference to AUM in his book Revelations of  Christ, when he interprets Christ’s words: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.” (John 5:25)  

Kriyananda wrote, “First, those who are spiritually dead will someday hear, in deep meditation, ‘the voice of the Son of God,’ which is to say, the sound of AUM.  Second, Yogananda explained also that at physical death the departing soul does in fact hear that mighty sound, manifested as a vibration which corresponds to its own consciousness. That special aspect of the Cosmic Vibration determines the nature of one’s state after death during the interim period between his incarnations on earth, or on some other planet.”

“Lorne himself,” Judy continued, “loved to sing and chant AUM. He taught us all to repeat mentally, ‘AUM, Christ, Guru,’ throughout the day as a way to stay in tune. During the last weeks of Lorne’s life, I read to him from Joseph Cornell’s book AUM: The Melody of Love.  “When we die, hearing is the last sense to go. In preparation for Lorne’s passing, I downloaded the CD of Swami Kriyananda chanting AUM (from the CD AUM:  Mantra of Eternity) onto my phone and iPad. Each time I felt Lorne leaving his body, I would play it. Fear and sorrow would dissipate; this occurred several times.  

“While he took his final breath, the recording of AUM: Mantra of Eternity with Swami Kriyananda was playing, and I calmly chanted AUM in his right ear, just as I had been guided to do. I alone was with him, but I knew it was not my thoughts that he needed to hear. At death the soul is freeing itself permanently from the body. Any remaining conscious awareness needs to be attuned to the eternal sound and light of God.  “It was only after his breath and heart had stopped that I sang to him, kissed him, and blessed his body with holy water. I wanted no static in the channel toward God. Meanwhile, I continued playing the recording of Swamji chanting ‘Eternal AUM.’  “When the hospice aide showed up about thirty minutes later, I informed her that Lorne had passed, and that the sacred dying process was complete.” 

I have decided to dedicate and honour sometime reading Transitioning to Grace a Yogi’s Approach to Death and Dying by the author Nayaswami Nalini Graeber. To explore deeper into death and dying, from an intuitive creative approach as a counsellor, and a healer. And to continue my personal healing journey towards spiritual transformation. 

The journey will consist of reading a chapter (every two weeks and sometimes once a month). Please don’t worry if you do not have a copy of the book, for fun you can intuitively tune into the title of each chapter to be involved. Together we will use the imagination, intuitive art and poetry, to honour Nayaswami Nalini and her book to express what has come up for us during the chapters. 

The first intuitive art and poetry will be posted in Chapter 1: How To Die with Grace - Tushti on Saturday 16th April 2022.

The invitation for you to join me is in spirit or through email for more information contact me


Join here 

Read my latest blog post here dedicated to my late mother called Honouring Prunella Saunders - Pemberton

Also in the Aum Special Healing Video, my son makes a guest appearance. I don’t usually display him on my website, however he did give me his permission. Trusting in the process the video also shows you how sometimes as a single parent it is not always easy to a have quiet space whilst trying to meditate. But together we always learn to find a way.

Happy Blessed Easter Weekend.

Music: Psalm Of David, In The Spirit & Aum by Swami Kriyananda

Blessings & Love 

Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Honouring a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda by the authors Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi.


Aum Special Healing Meditation