Honouring a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda by the authors Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi.


I have decided to dedicate and honour sometime reading the kindle version of a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda by the authors Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi.

What has inspired me to start another book study was when I began tuning into the vibration of Swami Kriyananda “Moksha Day” the Anniversary of his Passing from this Earth Plane on Thursday 21st April 2022. And as I spent time thinking about all that Swami Kriyananda has created and all the lives his has touched including mine. I felt strongly guided by Swami Kriyananda to focus on the work that both Nayaswami Jyotish and Devi have done since he left this Earth Plane. (To be honest with all the stories that I have read and heard about Swami Kriyananda it actually feels like something he would do). I began looking at pictures of both Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi and pictures of them with Swami Kriyananda that I had radonmly downloaded from the Ananda Worldwide Website for free.

Loads of words starting pouring through me, which I am struggling to write on here without feeling corny or feeling like I am trying to win over the hearts of two amazing inspirational spiritual leaders of our New Age. But I will say that I have so much utter respect and admiration for their dedication and loyalty that they have in service towards keeping Swami Kriyananda wishes, dreams ‘Ananda’ alive and in steadfast for us to still access the teachings and the great work of his self and Paramhansa Yogananda throughout all the Ananda Communities, virtually and the World.

I then began looking at the books and videos that they have created. I also remembered that when they published there book a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, I had self-published my book Cultivating Inner Peace on my website, which you can read here for free. I remember thinking how strange that was, as I was deep in my studies, new on the path to Kriya Yoga, writing books, amongst other things and I barely knew who Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi were at the time. But to know I was in tune with them through our book sharing and the topic being of peace, I was really in awe of this union, connection, we shared unknowingly, which made me feel special. With this divine memory and looking through the contents page of a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. I came across chapter 54 The Aum Vibration. Which I thought I would share with with you all as my continued journey into the cosmic sound of God ‘Aum’.


Our Sunday service readings begin the year by quoting one of the most mystical passages in the Bible, the first verses of the Gospel of St. John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” This is in perfect alignment with the Vedas, which teach that God manifests creation through the vibrations of AUM. Poetically, we might say that God sings creation into existence just as we might sing a song to express our thoughts and feelings. In this passage St. John speaks of both light and sound, which are basically the same thing: vibrations in wavelike pattern. They are, however so different in scale that we need two different senses—hearing and sight—to perceive them. Here is a fascinating observation: The note of A above middle C (which is generally used to tune an orchestra) vibrates at 440 cycles per second, creating a wave of around thirty inches long. If you make that wave a billion billion times shorter, we perceive it as the color red. Sound and light are simply vibrations of different frequencies.


A rainbow is created when, white light is bent (refracted) while entering a droplet of water, split into separate colors, and reflected back.


Our senses receive an endless variety of sound and color and transmit it into our brain through nerves. Imagine walking down a busy city street, being bombarded by innumerable sights and sounds. In order to deal with this sensory tumult, our brain must be highly selective. We don’t see reality itself, but rather a sort of highly edited, emotionally skewed message about what’s happening. And yet, this sensory stimulation has a mesmerizing and addictive effect. We become so hypnotized by the show and our reactions to its great variety that it takes us countless life times even to want to wake up.

Another problem is the false teachings we are given by society. If parents were to train their child to believe that “green” is the name of the frequency that everyone else calls red, the child would be out of sync with the rest of society. This would be inconvenient but not necessarily critical. But if those same parents teach their child that happiness comes from the accumulation of more and more money, that child will end up out of harmony with the laws of the universe. Once we become ready to see the truth beneath the surface of creation, we must trace the play of light and sound back to their source in God.

The sound of AUM and the inner light form a kind of bridge between the physical universe and God’s consciousness that creates it. Although these inner vibrations are too subtle to be perceived by the senses, they can be apprehended through intuition. The techniques of our path help us awaken the soul’s power of intuition by withdrawing prana from its normal outward direction, thus stilling the senses and restless mind. By returning to the source of AUM or the light of the spiritual eye, we finally reunite with the consciousness that manifests the endless variety in creation.


This year the first Sunday also happened to be January 5, the birthday of Yogananda. Being a master, Yogananda lived in the AUM vibration and the inner lights even as a young child. He incarnated in order to lead us back to God, and, for those who open their hearts to him, he is the manifested word of God. But a great master does more than teach. He is a powerful channel of God’s love and joy, embracing us just as a parent does a cherished child. He not only supports and guides our spiritual efforts, but also takes on some of our karma. There is no greater gift in all the world.

AUM, Amen,


To Join the book study to honour the book a Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda by the authors Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi Click Here.


Alongside the Honouring A Touch Of Peace Special Aum Healing Meditation video, I have also added a Mediation called ‘Extending the Love Meditation’ that I written about four years ago, which I just recently recorded again without any background music.

Music: Love Is A Magician, The Renunciate Inventor From India & Aum by Swami Kriyananda

Blessings & Love 

Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Aum Special Meditation (Paramhansa Yogananda)


Aum Special Healing Meditation