Silent Healing Meditation

Prayers For Jealously In The World

After writing the blog Silent Meditation & Healing is My Life, I felt guided to share more silent healing meditation videos.

I am not really keen in talking before performing a silent healing meditation so I thought I would write about it instead and will play the harmonium and sing a song called Rest in God by Swami Kriyananda. I attended a mediation Satsang in Ananda in Texas and this amazing talented woman sang “Rest in God” and chanted Aum so beautifully, I just felt so deeply moved and connected to the song I just needed to learn it straight away. By her elegant playing she inspired and affirmed to me that I am unique, and I have a voice that counts and matters. So as a way of dedicating myself to learn this song I am going to play it before I go into silent healing mediation. 

Before I share the video, I would like to share about the prayer theme jealousy and how it came about. I don’t watch television or watch the news, I may watch the odd movie with my son or when guided too, spiritual programmes and music on YouTube. I try and stay away from anything that may influence me negatively. This way of living has helped me to build a relationship with listening to the world inside of me, and jealousy was really calling out to me. 

 Jealousy has been an emotion that I have been working with God now for the past couple months and it’s also fair to say years too after self-reflection.  I would be lying if I said that I never compare myself to others, but I do, I have done since I was little girl.  And on the spiritual path, I have been reminded by teachers and wise friends, that people were jealous of me and all God wants me to do is be me. 

If I am honest, I never really understood what that meant and could never understand why someone would be jealous of me. When I was in relationships I would still compare, when I was studying, I would still compare, in family and friendships I would still compare. In all of that comparison of not being good enough, I was suffering in silence and troubled with jealousy. I hold my hands up in the past I have made people jealous too and looking back its fair to say its not a nice thing to do to people, as our actions and words remains inside our minds, hearts and body for years.

I share this because after my self-inquiry and reflection with jealousy, I realised that jealousy is a worldly illness that is infectious and needs to be handled and treated with care and needs more attention in the world.

I was reading a book called The Art and Science of Raja Yoga by Swami Kriyananda and what caught my attention was…

“Don’t worry if it takes time to do a pose well. There is no such thing as failure in a pose. There will always be someone better than you and someone worse. Compare yourself only with yourself.”

Reading this passage really touched me because, I wished I had this message inserted into me from a young age, instead of you have to be strong or you are a cry baby. I think it’s important to say, that I say this without blame, because I have been gifted with empathy, to heal and to learn to accept what is and what was, and that mistakes, and misunderstandings do happen.

I feel like it is important to say, that we are not failures if we are not chosen, or if we think we are not pretty enough, or family members pays more attention to others members of the family than ourselves, or if someone is better than you at singing or playing an instrument. 

What really alarms me is our minds will repeatedly think about all these worries like a broken track record for days, weeks, months and even years. People are ending their lives because of jealousy, self-harming, becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol, mental health issues, the list goes on and on. 

There is always going to be someone who has more experience or less experience, and that’s ok and this is a message that we really need to integrate into our being so that it becomes our ever waking truth and reality. Praying and meditating to God with likeminded people has helped me so much, to open and expand my heart to myself, others and to see how jealousy affects others, in more ways than I can ever write.

Yesterday I purchased Nayaswami Jyotish and Devi Daily Inspiration App “Stand Unshaken” for my iPhone and I wanted to share today’s inspiration as it synchronises with what I am sharing with you today. 

Day 2 The Secret To Living Fearlessly Never Compare. 

Gyanamata, Yogananda’s most advanced disciple, was once faced with a severe test. When she prayed, to God, she felt it was not His will she be spared that experience. Immediately she knew the prayer God would receive: “Change no circumstances of my life. Change me”. 

I resonate with this saying because, in my healing journey, and reflecting on jealousy I have been learning to ask God to change me, instead of changing others. Because when I change, forgive and heal, naturally I have witnessed in God’s time everything around me has changed, healing has occurred but also circumstances in my life has still remained the same. 

Three years ago, I posted on Facebook that I would be spending the season with God and that season turned into three years, being apart from family and friends. And being committed to my studies, spiritual path, developing a relationship with God and healing, which is still on going. To be honest I rather some of my challenging experiences be removed or spared, rather than pray to God through the uncomfortable unknowing experience of what others may think of me or of listening to my intuition, and feeling intense emotions. However, building a relationship with God is gently softening me and guiding me to feel that it’s ok to listen, to trust and to turn to God when I am in need. 

Also, what come to my mind was the bible verse Exodus 34:14-15 NIV

“Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”

“Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them, they will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices.” Exodus 34:14-15 NIV

I often wonder what God is saying here.  Am I the one who is jealous or is God the one who is jealous through me? I believe this question is pivotal and important to ask oneself and I believe it does not necessarily need answering too. But if you feel like you would like to answer it for me then please send me a message to I chose to include verse 15 as it also connects to why many people become jealous and it also synchronises with my next sharing, which is about my journey on abstaining from sex for 3 years which is still ongoing.  And how I use Ananda Yoga postures for my personal healing journey to help me heal, to feel and honour my body. 

So, I dedicate this silent healing mediation to people all around the world, especially young people who are suffering in silence with jealousy. I will continue to light the flame and just be myself and compare myself with only myself and I hope you join me too Aum Peace Amen.

Blessings & Love 

Rev Dinah Pemberton

P.S If you would like to comment feel free to contact me at


My Journey On Abstaining From Sex