Silent Healing Meditation (Aum & Ananda Kirtan)


The secret of meditation is – singing to God, out loud or silently, to awaken devotion in the heart!   

– Swami Kriyananda


 The 8 aspects of God can be experienced: as Light, Sound, Peace, Calmness, Love, Joy, Wisdom, and Power. This week I thought I would continue the journey of connecting to God through music “sound”.

 To experience God as Sound is to commune with the Holy Ghost, or Aum, the Cosmic Vibration. When you are immersed in Aum, nothing can touch you. Aum raises the mind above the delusions of human existence, into the pure skies of divine consciousness 

~ Swami Kriyananda

 I have had periods in my life when I have come across the sound of Aum. I first listened to the sound during my Reiki training, and then it came back to me during the times when I studied Egyptian Mysteries. I would listen to it during my pregnancy and I learned about Aum from the perspective of Hinduism as a powerful mantra. In all of my experiences with Aum, I would have never thought that I was having a direct communion with Spirit, God or that it was protecting me, or I was building a foundation for protection with a powerful sound. I just loved the sound and the way it made me feel, my energy level would rise to a higher consciousness and that was good enough for me.  

 I currently am and I have been listening to Aum by Swami Kriyananda on repeat since last night. As I am listening, I am thinking how do I really connect with Aum as a cosmic vibration, what is God or the Holy Spirit been communicating to me through the sound of Aum all them years ago and now. How do I tune into the language of God, am I just meant to listen and wait and see what happens? Should I just feel deeply into the sound and see what happens. I have to say feeling deeply into the sound of Aum stirs something up in me, which leads me to wonder how can I be truly listening if I don’t feel deeply into the sound.

I guess this is where the basis or start of my work needs to be done, challenging myself to be still, listen with full concentration and feel deeply with Aum and see what arises for me, without the intellect, books, ego just complete self-acceptance and unconditional love for myself.

Before I go further I just remembered I have the book AUM: The Melody of Love: The Spirit Behind All Creation by Joseph Bharat Cornell which I am looking forward to reading. I have read the first two chapters, of his book, which I guess I am still digesting and will revisit when I am called to.

I copied an excerpt of what he says about his book which I found interesting… Seek the sound that never ceases. The winds of God's grace constantly flow into this world through Holy AUM. The Sacred Sound has many names, and mystics of all religions revere it. Just as light is intrinsic to a lighted lamp, the sound of AUM is integral to the presence of Spirit. God's nature is bliss, and to share His joy, He created the universe through Cosmic Vibration. The sound of the Cosmic Vibration is AUM and listening to it brings the greatest bliss imaginable. AUM is the Omnipotent Force that propels each soul toward Spirit. It's the sacred, inner fire. As you approach the cosmic blaze, you feel at first its radiant, soothing comfort; then, as you come closer—AUM's liberating flames consume you—and bring you to God. We have all heard of the sacred word AUM, and heard it chanted as a mantra by meditators. But what is AUM, and what does it signify? This book takes readers on a journey into the deeper teachings of AUM and the blissful realizations that await those who access this expansive sound vibration.

 I also wanted to share an excerpt from the Chapter The Universal Path To Spirit…“Aum is God consciousness vibrating throughout creation. It is the bridge that unites Nature and Spirit, human and cosmic consciousness. Holy Aum is the stream of God’s consciousness into which the soul merges to discover its own highest nature”. 

Also this week I was inspired to know more about Ananda Kirtan as a way of connecting with God as sound. I was interested in what kirtan means as it dawned on me that I actually don’t know. I have been to many kirtans provided by Ananda Virtual Community and Ananda in Texas which I thoroughly enjoy and have felt great healing benefits from. 

 I came across two meanings from Ananda Washington and Palo Alto websites of what Kirtan means to them.

 Ananda Washington says that a… 

Kirtan is group devotional chanting to God. Kirtan usually begins with a simple prayer, followed by energetic chants that gradually become more and more inward as the kirtan progresses. There are occasional brief moments of meditation as inspiration allows. Gradually the mind and heart become calm and focused—you might be surprised how easily! Kirtans usually end with a period of silent meditation.

 Also, Palo Alto says… 

 Kirtan is devotional chanting. It has the power to transform and uplift us, and to open the heart, and help us enter profound states of stillness. 


“Because man himself is an expression of the Creative Word, sound has the most potent and immediate effect on him, offering a way to remembrance of his divine origin.” 

— Paramhansa Yogananda

What comes up for me when I attend an Ananda Kirtan, I experience moments of transcending the ego where my restless thought dissolve into the melody of the sound where everything becomes timeless, spaceless there is just this complete oneness, stillness with the sounds and the harmony of the voices that are singing. And sometimes I just dance, cry and feel deeply into the rhythm of the beat and allow it to take over me, which is fun. 

I thought I would try my own solo Kirtan and offer up my devotional playing of the harmonium without chanting to the Ananda Spiritual Masters. I will play six instrumental songs offering my devotion to each spiritual master including Swami Kriyananda. Am not sure if an Ananda Kirtan exists without singing or chanting. I have never been to a Kirtan by Ananda that only plays instrumental songs, which I would really love to attend one day. 

Before I conclude I came across a book called Visits to Saints of India: Sacred Experiences and Insights by Swami Kriyananda. As I began reading Part 1 My First Meetings With Anandamayee Ma I felt like I was with Swami Kriyananda and Anandamayee Ma in a profound way. There was many parts in the book that touched me. But I thought I would share this part…

Many people came forward for her blessings. One woman pressed many gifts on her, but not in a spirit of devotion. The Mother turned away from her to face us. Her magnetism drew us into a meditative state. Then she asked me to sing. Nervously at first, I complied by singing Ram Proshad’s beautiful song, in Bengali, “Will that day come to me, Ma, when crying, Mother! my eyes will flow with tears?” I soon lost myself in the inspiration of the words. “Most beautifully sung!” exclaimed the Mother at the song’s end. Turning to the crowd, she remarked concerning us, “They are soft!” Then, rising, she told us, “Please remain seated. I will be away only for a little while.” After she’d left I sang Master’s chant, “In the Valley of Sorrow,” in English. She returned after I’d finished and told me, “I was listening to you. Please sing it again.” 

I did so, then sang two other songs in Bengali: “Blue Lotus Feet,” and “Take Me on Thy Lap, O Mother!” “What sweetness you express through your singing!” she exclaimed. I said, “It gives me much joy to be able to sing for you,” to which she replied: “Joy cannot be measured in terms of ‘much’ or ‘little.’ It is absolute.”

With the blessings of these words I hope you enjoy the sounds and the healing vibrations from the video that I created for you all.  

One thing that I will add is that listening and feeling into Aum whilst writing this, I had a vision of my late mother. As tears pour from me, I wished that my mother had Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings. As I can now see that the Holy Spirit, God was with her. When I was a little girl my mum would say “Maka Atun Atun” and she would do something with her nose. If I am honest I was frightened as a child seeing my mother repeatedly do this. The professionals basically labelled her mad and she was diagnosed with Serve Mental Health. However, Spirit communicated to me and showed me that she was given a gift a mantra, and she was doing a pranayama technique to help her with everything she was facing and experiencing.

However, later she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and a severe incurable illness. All my current studies and life experiences have all taught me that there is a thin line between spirituality and mental health. I am saddened that my mother never received the support that she needed for her spiritual gift. Having the vision and communication has eased the resistance I was feeling in feeling Aum. To know that God was with My mother and even though I was frightened as a child seeing her do this. God was also communicating through her a gift to me, which I am very present in and practising with Ananda. I am very grateful to God, that this unfolded in me today.


In The Devotion Of Nothingness 

Sound in all things be present in us all

To hear you and see you in unknowing ways

May the healing sounds of the instrumental playing 

Dedicated to the Ananda Spiritual Masters

Bring us upliftment, peace, love and harmony

May the divine in

Take us on an inward sacred journey

May we experience and feel the blessings through the harmonious melody 

Of sound and its integrity of the holding from its divine beauty within you

Forever more living and breathing to bring you closer to who we truly are 

In the devotion of nothingness 

The sacred soundless sound 

Awaits to hear you

I hear you 

In the devotion of nothingness  


Music: Aum & Make Us Channels of Thy Peace by Swami Kriyananda

Music played on the harmonium: Sri Yogananda, Hey Bhagavan, Rest In God, I Am The Bubble Make Me The Sea, Reveal Thy Self, Cloisters.


Blessings & Love 

 Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Silent Healing Meditation (Aum Special Meditation)


Silent Healing Meditation (Awakening to Divine Memory Through Ananda Music)