Silent Healing Meditation (Awakening to Divine Memory Through Ananda Music)


At the moment I am really interested in the instrumental music that Swami Kriyananda created. As I explore Ananda’s music further, I am asking myself a series of questions, who am I playing the harmonium for? How do I attune myself to the vibrations and the consciousness in the way Swami Kriyananda did? I read an article called The Spirit Within Music by David Eby who was trained by Swami Kriyananda and a cellist. He says that…

“Swami has never written music from a personal perspective, but rather has expressed different states of consciousness in a very impersonal way, so that we ourselves, can make them our own more easily”.

Further in his article he also says that…

“Swami in fact often calls this music “our music”, because he does not consider it his own”.

Below I have inserted a video of David playing one of my favourite instrumental songs by Swami Kriyananda.


I really have high regard, respect and honour for Swami Kriyananda for expressing that his music is not his own and has not been written from a personal perspective. To renounce any ownership of his music is very moving and shows the level of love and affection he has for people and God.

I think one of the reasons I asked these questions is because I am aware I want to learn how to play more than one chant, which leads me to ask why do I want to learn how to play more than one chant, also why shouldn’t I want to learn how to play more than one chant. And also how do I know when it’s the ego, that is my driving force, God or devotion or just the simple passionate willingness to just want to learn how to play more.

From the day of my ordination as a Reverend, my sincere focus was to continue to build a relationship with God and learn how to put God first in everything I do, which I am learning to do and doing.

One thing I will say playing the harmonium takes me into another realm, where I feel no one can truly see me. A realm where I am at one with my harmonium, where I feel that it truly knows me, supports me, encourages me not to give up and the harmonium plays every key and note for me. Literally every week an Ananda chant will come to me to play and all of a sudden within 10 -15 minutes I have learned how to play it. I am not sure what God is really communicating to me with this process, but I am learning and deepening into I don’t have to sound or play perfectly. As God loves me regardless of how I play, she loves me more for trying and sharing it with you all.

As I type these words I am listening to Joy Discoveries by Swami Kriyananda and I am remembering that after I completed my Reiki Masters course I did a Sound Healing Course where I would use the sounds of the vowels and the tuning fork to heal the body. This is one of the many qualifications that I have never shared before, I guess because I believed I was not a good singer at the time and sound healing was not popular, Reiki was. I also remembered I have done a Sacred Naked Voice Course tuning into the sounds of the angelic voices. And an online Chloe Goodchild Sounds Of Your Soul Course. I have actually done a lot of work with sounds, music and healing that I have totally forgotten about. Even my time in the Amazon was focused on tuning into the consciousness of the Icaros as medicine for healing.

I am grateful I made time and space to turn inwardly, just to pause, listen to Swami music, ask questions, think and reflect about what it means to me to play the harmonium. I am sure more will reveal itself, but I am grateful for the journey I have been on.

Click Here to read David Eby Article and here is a link to his website displaying his beautiful music.

Music: Aum, Make Us Channels of Thy Peace and Make Me One With Thee by Swami Kriyananda

Music played on the harmonium: Cloisters

Blessings & Love

Rev Dinah Rachel Pemberton


Silent Healing Meditation (Aum & Ananda Kirtan)


Yoga Body Prayer (Divine Mother Make Us Your Channels Of Peace)