Honouring Tushti & Happy

Surendra & Tushti


I Beheld Thee Hiding Behind the Flowers

I looked at a flower and prayed: suddenly, O Father, I beheld Thee hiding there. It exuded to me the perfume of Thy presence. I saw the blush of Thy purity coloring its petals. It was the gold of Thy wisdom that shone in its heart. Thine all‐embracing, upholding power filled its delicate calyx. The mystery of life and immortality lay in the pollen—lifted by the bee when it tasted Thy sweetness. Oh teach me Thy wonders of Creation, which is hinted at in even the tiniest roadside weed.

~ Paramhansa Yogananda


Ananda House and the Twelve Precepts of Evening Hospice    


Chapter 3: Happy Story — Seeing God As The Doer