Week 26: The Redeeming Light


Our Affirmation For June

Stanza 6:

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.”

Matthew 5:8

Blessed are they whose self-offering to God is effortless and complete, secure in the knowledge that all other desires are foreign to the soul.

In the purity of their knowing, they shall see God.

Swami Kriyananda

From the book

The Beatitudes: Their Inner Meaning by Swami Kriyananda


Rays of One Light: Weekly Commentaries on the

Bible and The Bhagavad Gita

by Swami Kriyananda

The Book of Isaiah in the Bible, Chapter 9, tells us:   

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. 

As the Bhagavad Gita says in the fifth Chapter:   

For whom That darkness of the soul is chased by light,  Splendid and clear shines manifest the Truth  As if a Sun of Wisdom sprang to shed  Its beams of light. 

Excerpted From Week 26 The Redeeming Light



108. Demand for Seeing God in Everything

O Father, may I behold Thee: above, beneath, behind, around—wherever I turn my gaze! Train the children of my senses never to stray from Thee, who dwellest at the heart of everything.

Turn my eyes inward, to Thy changeless beauty. Attune my ears to silence, that I may hear Thy subtlest music. Breathe on me the heavenly scent of Thy sacred presence. Orient‐wise I will worship Thee, placing the candles of my five senses on the altar of my love.

Thus I will contact Thee in the first pale shafts of dawn; absorb Thee in the bright light of noon; expand in Thee with the hidden glow of twilight; and merge in Thee in the silver moonlight. Always will I keep alight on my inner altar the mystic taper of my love for Thee.


What inspired me from this week’s reading from the Rays of One Light to share with everyone was…


I gazed at his photograph and saw there a blinding light, enveloping my body and the entire room. My nausea and other uncontrollable symptoms disappeared; I was well.

At once I felt strong enough to bend over and touch Mother’s feet in appreciation of her immeasurable faith in her guru. Mother pressed her head repeatedly against the little picture. 

“O Omnipresent Master, I thank thee that thy light hath healed my son!”  I realized that she too had witnessed the luminous blaze through which I  had instantly recovered from a usually fatal disease. 

I have been learning how to gaze in the eyes of the Masters especially Paramhansa Yogananda and Jesus Christ…This week I have been thinking about how God the Masters gazes at me, and what is the difference between me gazing at the Masters and them Gazing at me.

In our meditation, I thought we would spend some time reflecting on

“How does God gaze at us in our life?”

Then I thought we would spend some time gazing at the photo of Lahiri Mahasaya and experiencing God’s gaze, healing and love through him… And then reflect on our experience of gazing with God. But before we enter into our meditation we will listen to Dark Eyes by Swami Kriyananda


Dark Eyes by Swami Kriyananda



I’ve known them forever:
They’ve haunted my slumber,
And called to me out of the deeps of space.
The love that they promise
Has helped me remember
Another time, a caring embrace.

Dark eyes in the morning,
Dark eyes in the evening,
Dark eyes in the starlight at end of day:
Dark eyes that speak silence,
They whisper, “Come find me:
You’ll never know true love, if you stay.”

Now I seek them in the wintertime,
Oh, I seek them in the spring:
Those two dark eyes draw my heart away
To where sun and moon sing!

I laugh now in the summertime,
When ripples on the river play.
I laugh, soaring with the meadowlarks.
Love has made my heart gay.

I’ve known them forever:
They’ve haunted my slumber,
And called to me out of the deeps of space.
The love that they promise
Has helped me remember
Another time, a caring embrace.

Let’s Meditate in Silence Together Reflecting on the question

How does God gaze at you in your life?


Lets spend some time gazing at the photo of Lahiri Mahasaya


Let’s spend some time reflecting on our experience of gazing with God




Aum Peace Amen

Blessings and Love

Rev Dinah Pemberton



Week 28: Self-Reliance VS. Self-Reliance 


Week 25: The Eternal Now