Sushumna Chapel
Facing the Past
Greetings Friends,
Sushumna Chapel will be closed from Thursday 1st November until Friday 10th November... I had an emergency tooth extraction which was and still is painful and I have been advised not to do anything for a week... The tears that were rolling down my face because of the pain was unbelievable… I never take paracetamol for pain, because I have a high tolerance, but this pain was unbearable… My whole body felt like it had been through a traumatic shock, it was like being on a butchering table. I still hear the sound of my tooth cracking, the dentist was yanking the tooth out until it affected my ear, eye and cheek… The gentle soul who I am, I never even questioned if this was lawful or not. I just wanted the tooth out and to get back home as soon as possible to my son. In the end, she gently started to snip it off with the scissors…It was definitely a traumatic experience, I could barely walk… I was wondering what I had done to deserve this. I felt like I was being punished…At the same time, I was grateful that they had seen me within 15 minutes and operated on my tooth straight away. I felt like I had been holding on to years of pain. The tooth they removed was crowned and it was stuck to my gum and infected. Words can't express how I am feeling as I never had any symptoms it just spurred on me in the moment… If you can keep me in your prayers I would really appreciate it... I was going to postpone this month’s newsletter, but I have chosen not to.
So with the Dawning of the Clocks going back
The Days getting Shorter and Colder
The Nights getting longer and Darker
Hibernation is Drawing us into its love,
Warmth and Comfort
Protecting and Guiding us
From the Light Within
Keep Safe and Cherish it
All Within
Blessings & Love
Rev Dinah Pemberton
P.S. I have included my assignment called
“Using Shamanic Tools to Transform Your Life”
For you all to read.
Click Here to Read it.
Facing the Past
For the past couple of months, I have been looking at the Values and Ethics for Reclaiming Your Virginity and Sushumna Chapel. I love the 12 Precepts of Evening Hospice by Swami Kriyananda (which I refer to it as "Ananda's 12 Precepts"). These precepts are designed for people who are facing death... I believe that when we face death it makes life possible... Meaning that these Precepts are more of value now whilst we are living. Ananda's 12 Precepts helps to promote clear guidance and integrity in the work that I offer. It also acts as a clear and simple guideline to help people in their healing journeys...
The first Precept “Facing the Past” which is named after this newsletter is something we are always doing. The past reveals itself in many ways, through our world, in our homes, friendships, at work, through our families, when we are dying, when making peace, forgiveness, when making the decision to let go, or facing the past full on. We can also view facing the past as the path to Self-Relization.
Reclaiming Your Virginity and Sushumna Chapel embraces facing the past in a creative way, where we don’t dwell on the past or let it consume us... But rather creating an online presence where we can be heard, seen, and express ourselves through art, poetry, meditation, chanting etc. In my dissertation Reclaiming Your Virginity: Intuitive Inquiry, (which I will release next year for you all to read).
I included this saying by Paramhansa Yogananda
"Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the Present! Live supremely well now! This is the way of the wise”
I love this saying as it is so true... But sometimes not easy to do.
October's Reflections
Happy Birthday Nana
When I gifted my nana the Rosary Beads she shared with me how her church "Christ Church" prays the Rosary once a year as it is an Anglican and Catholic Church combined… As you can imagine I was thrilled that she already knew how to pray the rosary,
we prayed together…
"Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen".
… which was a beautiful moment... I think she was surprised that I knew it lol... My nana lost her parents when she was around 4 or 5 years old, she has always been an inspiration to me...
I encouraged her to pray the Rosary three times before she goes to sleep as I felt she needed Divine Mother's nurturing and protecting energy around her.
Helping Soul Friends to Transition into the Light
This month we pray for the souls who have passed away and their families
We ask Divine Mother to welcome these souls into her Divine Light
Thou art in the souls of….
Leon Samuels, Badri Issa, Tracy Cole, Pat White,
Anthony Whitter & Mrs Shirley
My prayer for us all for November is
Let us Dare to be Different and let Nothing or no one Hold us Back
Aum Peace Amen
P.S. Please consider donating to Sushumna Chapel, it doesn't matter how small, right now we are in need of our own website... (currently, we have raised £90.39) We need to raise £59.61… Your kind donations would really help us... All of the services we offer are free or a donation... If you have been touched by any of the services, please consider donating, the link to donate is below…
Save the Dates in November for These Special Events
The Seers and Hearers
Remembering Our Loved Ones
Sunday Service
Week 44: Why Tell God Anything, When he Knows Everything? Why Offer God Anything, When he Has Everything?
Latest Blogs
fKing Asaru-Hotep Book of Poetries“Our Reflection Of Homeschooling"H
A Sacred Illness A Family of Monks and Nuns … That Deserved to be Celebrated
Sushumna Chapel Online Weekly Offerings
The services that Sushumna Chapel offers are free or a donation of your choice. Which goes towards supporting the upkeep of the Sushumna Chapel and helps to keep the services that are offered for free. Click on the link to join a service.
Sushumna Chapel Sunday Service 1 pm - 3 pm
Confession 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Devotion to Mother Mary 9 pm - 10 pm
Morning “Silent” Meditation 9 am - 10 am
Night “Silent” Meditation 11 pm - 12 pm
Morning “Silent” Meditation 9 am - 10 am
Healing With Astrology, Mantras & the Chakras Satsang 7 pm - 8 pm
Night “Silent” Meditation 11 pm - 12 pm
Morning “Silent” Meditation 9 am - 10 am
Night “Silent” Meditation 11 pm - 12 pm
Healing Prayers for the World, Planet & Individuals 9 am - 10 am
Healing Prayer Circle at Noon 12 pm - 12:30 pm
A Small Gift Goes A Long Way
For every Donation, a Divine Will Wisdom Healing Card will be Gifted. Please Donate Today to continue to keep our Light Strong.
God’s light is within me and around me. With the sword of faith in my hand, with the love of God in my heart, I am a warrior of light. I join my brothers and sisters everywhere to overcome fear with faith, hatred with love, and disease with health. We all are warriors of light. We fill the world with God’s light.
Words by Nayaswamis Jyotish & Devi
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